About The Peanut Butter & Co. Blog

Why start a blog about Peanut Butter & Co.?

It seems a little strange on the surface- A blog about the day to day at Peanut Butter & Co.? But if there’s one thing we’ve learned in our 10 years of business, it’s that our fans are dedicated and excited. The problem is that there’s always a disconnect between the producer and the consumer. When you see our product on the shelf it looks as if it took the effort of a thousand people to get it there. In actuality it was the effort of a small number of truly dedicated people.

This blog is an attempt to bridge that gap, to open up our doors and let you see what our life is like. We work hard to bring you delicious, all natural peanut butter and hopefully this blog will let you see what that process is like. It’ll also open up a direct line of communication between you- our adoring fan- and the folks who really work here. No customer service phone banks, no PR spin. Just you and us.

But please- If you have a problem with an order commenting here will do you no good. Please contact Customer Service by e-mail at customer.service@ilovepeanutbutter.com or by phone, 1-866-456-8372

What kinds of things can I expect to see here?

While we’ll have a lot of off-the-cuff posts, there will also be a number of recurring features. Our fearless leader and Peanut Butter Guy, Lee Zalben, will be writing about his travels here and abroad as well as interesting and funny stories about the company history. Lee’s Mom will be pitching in with simple recipes you can make it in minutes and we’ll have a publicity round-up once a month. Our art department is talking about doing some features on how those package designs come together. It’s more work than it looks like!

Can I leave a comment? Will you answer comments?

You are more than welcome to leave comments. In fact, we’re hoping you comment! Like we said before, this about opening a dialogue. It’s about having a dicussion. And it’d be a shame if we were the only ones talking. That said, we’ll do our best to answer comments in a timely fashion, but depending on the volume of comments we receive it may not be possible to answer each individually.

Additionally, please bring your best behavior to the commenting box. Rude, agressive and innapropriate comments will not be tolerated and could lead to your commenting privelages being revoked. Remember that this is a blog for persons of all ages, so mind your manners and we’ll all have a good time.